What's the difference between antidetect of virtual machines and browser antidefect?


Imagine for a moment that you have a unique chance to increase your income in front of you. For example, you are actively selling goods on sites such as Amazon or eBay and dream of expanding your business. Or you are attracted to betting in order to increase your betting limits. Or maybe you wish to make money on cryptocurrency airdrops or simply strengthen your position in traffic arbitrage. In any of these areas, you need to manage a large number of accounts.

The tools that can protect your accounts from being blocked are two main types of anti-detect systems: anti-detect browsers and antidetect virtual machines.

Browser-based anti-detection tools

An anti-detect browser serves as an ordinary Internet browser, which, however, has the ability to mask real user data behind fake data. Based on popular engines such as Chromium and Firefox, these browsers allow you to create different profiles with unique "fingerprints", making them ideal browsers for multi-accounting. Important "fingerprints" that can be modified include:

  • User-Agent: contains information about your browser and operating system.
  • Canvas: uses graphics elements to create a unique "fingerprint" of the device.
  • WebRTC: a media protocol used by websites to track users.
  • WebGL: a technology for rendering 3D graphics to complement the "fingerprint" of a device.

In addition, there are extensions that allow you to use antidetect browsers more effectively, providing an initial level of protection against tracking without excessive cost.

Despite this, however, it is worth noting that new tracking methods, such as the EME Extension actively used since 2024 - which allows to determine whether a streaming video is being streamed from a real computer or a virtual server - call into question the ability of browser-based anti-detects to adequately hide traces at the level of the operating system or hardware characteristics of the user's device.

Virtual machine-based anti-detection: increasing anonymity

Unlike browser-based solutions, virtual machine-based anti-detect allows you to achieve the highest level of anonymity by deeply masking not only browser but also system footprints, including hardware components and operating system details, making it an outstanding anti-detect browser for PCs. This capability stems from the fact that virtual machines can be customized to specific settings, preventing the detection of multiple types of fingerprints and making it an effective Windows anti-detection tool.

It is worth emphasizing the importance of such a fingerprint as DNS suffix, an identifier prefix issued by the Internet Service Provider. Its representation can be changed in virtual machine-based anti-detection systems to match the proxy operator, something that cannot be achieved in browser-based anti-detection. This capability is especially important given that systems such as Gmail's anti-fraud have long used this parameter for tracking.

The use of virtual machine-based anti-detection is extremely effective against anti-fraud systems like ThreatMetrix and AKAMAI, which perform detailed user tracking by analyzing, in the case of ThreatMetrix, the user's connection and scanning their local network. Thanks to the built-in hardware virtualization system, the virtual machine-based antidetect successfully bypasses these deanonymization systems.

In addition, it is important to mention the capabilities of the virtual machine antidetect in terms of spoofing the entire palette of browser fingerprints. This includes User-Agent, WebGL, WebRTC and others, making virtual machine antidetect a comprehensive solution for ensuring anonymity on the Internet.

Conclusion: Virtual Machine Anti-Detect is your choice in the world of digital security

When choosing between free anti-detection browsers and virtual machine-based anti-detection, it is important to consider the specific tasks to be performed and the anonymity requirements. A free anti-detect browser, for example, for arbitrage, can be a good starting point, providing a basic level of protection, while paid solutions offer much greater opportunities to work covertly on the Internet.

However, it's worth remembering that neither solution guarantees absolute security. To ensure the highest level of protection and anonymity on the Internet, it is recommended to use a comprehensive approach, combining various anti-detect solutions. If you are looking for a reliable anti-detection system, take a look at the offer from Detect.Expert, where you will find a wide range of tools to ensure your digital security.

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