Antidetect Software Offer Agreement
Última atualização: 30.06.2024 21:06
1. General Provisions
This document is an offer of VEKTOR T13 TECHNOLOGIES LLC and contains all the essential terms of the contract for the provision of software development services. The Contractor publishes this agreement, which is a public offer agreement addressed to both individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the Customer).
1.1. If any person has accepted the terms of this agreement and paid for the order for the creation of software (hereinafter referred to as Software) in the manner prescribed by this agreement, such a person is considered to have accepted this agreement (offer) and becomes the Customer.
1.2. Payment by the Customer for the order for software development in the manner and on the terms provided for by the contract is the full and unconditional acceptance of this offer.
2. Subject of the offer agreement.
2.1. The Contractor undertakes to develop the Antidetect Program in accordance with the Terms of Reference (hereinafter TOR). The software development period is 7-14 days from the date of payment. The customer undertakes to pay and accept the developed software (hereinafter PRODUCT) in accordance with the TOR.
2.2. The Contractor has the right to involve any persons at his own discretion in order to provide services.
3. The moment of the conclusion of the contract.
3.1. The text of this Agreement is a public offer. The agreement defines the specifics of the sale and purchase of Antidetect software developments. This offer applies to software developed to order in accordance with the customer's specifications. The validity period of this offer is set from January 1, 2015 to January 1, 2030.
3.2. The fact of placing an ORDER for software development is an unconditional acceptance of this Agreement, and the Customer is considered as a person who entered into a contractual relationship with the Contractor. At the same time, the Customer guarantees that he is familiar with, agrees, fully and unconditionally accepts all the conditions that are set forth in the text of this Offer Agreement.
3.3. The offer agreement does not require the signing and seals of the Customer and the Contractor (hereinafter referred to as the Parties), while maintaining legal force.
3.4. Registration of the ORDER for software development and calculation is carried out by transferring the TOR to the Contractor in the .doc or .docx format. A sample TK is in Appendix N1 to this agreement.
3.5. The contract is considered concluded from the moment of making 100% prepayment by the Customer of the cost of software development.
3.6. Payment for the cost of software development is carried out by bank transfer to a Bitcoin wallet provided by the Contractor.
3.7. Payment is considered made from the moment the Customer confirms the operation of transferring the amount constituting the cost of software development to the Contractor in the manner provided for in clause 3.3 of the contract.
3.8. The cost of software development is agreed with the Customer by electronic means of communication (Telegram) after the approval of the TOR.
3.9. The Agreement is posted on the Contractor's website(hereinafter referred to as the "Site").
3.10. The Contractor has the right to amend the terms of the Agreement at any time. Changes to the terms of the Agreement take effect from the moment they are published on the Site.
4. The term of the contract.
4.1. This CONTRACT comes into force from the moment of contacting the contractor and placing the ORDER, and ends with the full fulfillment of obligations by the PARTIES.
5. Relationship in the field of consumer protection. Payment and delivery of goods.
5.1. Relations in the field of consumer protection are regulated by the Civil Code of the Ukraine, the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and other federal laws and legal acts of the Ukraine adopted in accordance with it.
5.1.2. You confirm that you are a person over 18 years of age, or a minor released from parental care, or have legally legal consent from parents and guardians, and are fully legally capable and authorized person capable of taking responsibility under the terms, conditions, obligations, statements, representations and guarantees set forth in this AGREEMENT, and is able to fulfill and implement the terms of this Agreement.
5.2. Any ambiguity or insufficient interpretation of the provisions and instructions of this Agreement should be perceived solely in the favor and in the interests of the Contractor.
5.3. Delivery of the developed software to the Customer is carried out using electronic communication (Telegram). All actions are carried out subject to 100% payment for the developed software. The Contractor undertakes to send the Customer the software developed according to the TK within 7-14 days from the moment of 100% payment
5.4. The Customer has the right to use the software developed by the Contractor only individually, other cases are discussed with the Contractor. For legal entities, the conditions and cost of using the developed software are discussed additionally.
5.5. The revocation of the offer can be carried out by the Contractor at any time, which is not a basis for refusal of obligations under an already concluded agreement.
6.1. The Contractor DOES NOT BE LIABLE for incorrect or erroneous use of the software for direct or indirect losses incurred in connection with its use.
6.2. The Contractor is not responsible and does not compensate the Customer for losses caused by violations and / or errors in the operation of the software, resulting from illegal actions of the Customer or third parties, as well as technical failures and electrical equipment failures.
6.3. The software and accompanying documentation are provided to the Customer "AS IS" ("AS IS"), in accordance with the principle generally accepted in international practice. This means that for problems arising during the installation and operation of the software (including: compatibility problems with other software products (packages, drivers, etc.), problems arising from ambiguous interpretation of the accompanying documentation, inconsistency of the results of using the software with expectations Customer, etc.), the Contractor is not responsible. The Customer must understand that he bears full responsibility for possible negative consequences caused by incompatibility or conflicts between the software and other software products installed on the Customer's computer.
6.4. The customer is responsible for all actions and risks associated with the use of the software.
6.5. The customer bears all risks of losses that he may incur as a result of illegal or unauthorized access by third parties to the software.
6.6. The Contractor is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement related to the work or inability of the Customer to work through the software, disruption of the normal functioning of software and hardware due to the following reasons: equipment malfunctions and failures; crashes and software errors; failures, malfunctions, and failures of communication systems, power supply and other similar systems.
6.7. The Contractor is not responsible for any damage (including all, without exception, cases of incurred or anticipated expenses, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of business information, loss of profits or other monetary losses) associated with the use or inability to use the software.
6.8. The Contractor is not responsible for losses incurred by the Customer due to the unauthorized use of the software by unauthorized persons. The Customer is fully responsible for the safety of his Data.
6.9. If, when using the relevant Software, the Customer gains access to exchange information about the financial markets, the Contractor is not responsible for the content, completeness, accuracy and timeliness of this information.
6.10. The software is developed and sold for Windows 10 Pro. If in the future the Contractor releases updates incompatible with the purchased software by the Customer, then the Contractor is not responsible for the operability of the software sold. The Contractor can help to adapt the software (if technically possible) for an additional fee, for this the Customer must contact the Contractor with a corresponding request.
6.11 If third-party developers are involved, additional fees may apply for the respective update.
7. Return and exchange of goods. Returns and exchanges of information, digital goods, and software are not available.
8. Responsibility of the Parties and Dispute Resolution.
8.1. The parties are responsible for non-performance or improper performance of this AGREEMENT in the manner prescribed by this AGREEMENT and the current legislation of the Ukraine.
8.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the delivery of the ORDER if the Customer has changed the means of electronic communication (Telegram) without warning.
8.3. The Contractor is not responsible if the Seller's expectations about the consumer properties of the software were not justified.
8.4. The Contractor is not responsible for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations for the delivery of the developed software, if they are the result of force majeure.
8.5. The customer, when placing the ORDER, is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided about himself, and also confirms that he is familiar with the terms of this AGREEMENT and agrees.
8.6. The Contractor undertakes to return the prepayment or agree on new development terms with the Customer if it is impossible to fulfill the contract within the agreed period.
8.7. All disputes and disagreements arising from the failure of the PARTIES to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.
9. Rights and obligations of the parties.
9.1. The Contractor undertakes:
9.1.1. Develop the Program in accordance with the Terms of Reference. Development time is 2-14 days.
9.1.2. Inform the Customer about the development progress at his request.
9.1.3. Do not disclose any private information of the Customer and do not provide access to this information to third parties, except as provided by Ukrainian law.
9.1.4. Provide the Customer with the opportunity to receive paid consultations by means of communication (Telegram)
9.1.5. The Contractor reserves the right to change this AGREEMENT unilaterally until its conclusion.
9.2. The customer undertakes:
9.2.1. Timely explain and agree on places or changes in the TOR that are incomprehensible to the Contractor.
9.2.2. Pay for the work of the Contractor in the amount agreed upon by means of communication after the approval of the TOR.
9.2.3. Pay 100% prepayment of the cost of software development after agreeing on the terms of reference.
9.2.4. Accept the work of the Contractor. Agree on a revision plan in case of discrepancies.
9.2.5. Before the conclusion of the AGREEMENT, familiarize yourself with the content of the offer agreement, terms of payment and delivery on the Contractor's website.
9.2.6. Provide accurate information about yourself
9.2.7. Not to disclose confidential information and other data provided by the Contractor in connection with the execution of this Offer Agreement.
9.2.8. To independently and at their own expense create the necessary technical conditions for the functioning of the purchased software.
10. Force majeure circumstances.
10.1. The Parties are exempt from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill obligations under the Agreement if the failure to fulfill obligations was the result of force majeure, namely: fire, flood, earthquake, strike, war, actions of state authorities or other circumstances beyond the control of the Parties.
10.2. If any of such circumstances directly resulted in non-fulfillment of obligations within the terms established by the Agreement, then these terms are proportionately extended for the duration of the relevant circumstances.
10.3. If these circumstances last more than 1 (one) calendar month, then each of the Parties will have the right to take the initiative to terminate the Agreement due to the impossibility of its execution. If the Parties make a decision to terminate the Agreement on the named grounds, none of the Parties will have the right to compensation for possible losses.
10.4. The Party that cannot fulfill the obligations under the Agreement must promptly, but no later than 10 (Ten) working days after the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, notify the other Party in writing, with the provision of substantiating documents issued by the competent authorities.
10.5. Failure to notify or untimely notification of the occurrence of force majeure, deprives the "Party" of the right to refer to any of the above circumstances as a basis for excluding liability for default.
10.6. The "Parties" acknowledge that the insolvency of the "Parties" is not a force majeure circumstance.
11. Other conditions.
11.1. All intellectual rights of the Copyright Holder are protected by the legislation of the Ukraine and International agreements.